If you are interested in joining the GMC Forty-niners Motorhome Club, we are here to help.

First, you need to own a GMC Motorhome built between 1973 and 1978.

We believe our coaches are the result of the best design team—this is why we love our coaches. But we must be realistic. These coaches are old and sometimes need a little or a lot of repair. It won’t be as expensive as buying a new motor home, but a $9,000 GMC will need attention.

$9,000 Coach, 2009

If you don’t own a screwdriver, can’t light your home water heater, or have to take your car to the tire shop to have the tire pressure checked, you probably won’t be happy with a GMC. For that matter, you may not be happy owning any motor home.

Same Coach at about $20,000

With a lot of work and quite a few dollars, old coaches start to look pretty good. Hours and hours in prep for paint, new 16″ wheels, fuel injection, and, and…

Coaches for sale are around, and members can help you find and select a GMC. Write to our Secretary, George Beckman, and he can arrange an e-mail to all members, letting them know of your search.

Once you own a GMC, you are invited to join us at a rally. If your GMC is still in the “getting it ready for the road” stage, that is fine. Ownership is a requirement, but we understand sometimes motorhomes aren’t as ready for a rally as the owners. Bring your own chair, and we will love to sit and chat.

Membership Application: